Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tips Avoiding Foot Odor

This Health problem is not only interfere with the person concerned, but also can interfere with the people around it. All the people would not want to have this one problem, but also interfere with the smell of the feet can decrease a person's self confidence

avoiding foot odor* If you want to buy shoes, buy good quality shoes. Look inside shoes made of natural material, because it will make your feet can breathe freely and more quickly absorb perspiration. Material synthesis will make your feet out unpleasant smell due to lack of air entry.

* Do not ever feel lucky to buy shoes cheap but low quality. It's better to buy shoes a little more expensive but good quality.

* In addition to watching the selection of shoes, must ensure the feet are always in clean condition. When bathing, wash your feet with a foot brush or other small brush. This is useful to lift dead skin cells which is one cause of odor in kaki.Sebagai alternative, you can soak the feet in cold water. After that, soak with warm water. Skin pores on the feet to be clean and will make a stink at the foot decreased.

* Another way to overcome the smell of feet is to change socks every day. Choose socks made of cotton or wool, avoid using synthetic materials.

* It is recommended not to use the same shoes in a long time. Try alternate shoes, so shoes do not get air and moisture.

* Never let the shoes in the wet conditions. Immediately dry the wet when the shoe. If left more than a day, will cause unpleasant smells. Your feet were so come bau.Jika you've followed the tricks above, foot odor can be lost. Confidence you get anything back.


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