Sunday, December 6, 2009

Optimistic attitude can Improve Health

Too much pressure to be experienced live person to make most people experience frustration.

Some people due to face a heavy workload to job stress. Other problems such as natural disasters and the deaths of people close can also make depression and frustration. Only a few people who could avoid the pressures of everyday life that can make people frustrated and pessimistic view. However, despite facing hardships and pressures of life, thinking optimistically particularly beneficial for health. What are the benefits? And how to foster an optimistic attitude

How to Be More Optimistic

If you often think negatively of others or of serious situations, it does not mean you can not think positively. You can change negative thinking into positive. It is not difficult to do, but it takes time and practice to create this new habit. Here are some ways to be more optimistic and have a mind and a positive attitude.

Check yourself

When you think that you will not be able to enjoy a bad event will be successful or not perform a task, immediately get rid of that thought. Focus on the positive things that will be generated.

Follow repeatedly.

If the more negative thoughts, then immediately switch to positive thinking.

Follow a healthy lifestyle

Exercising three times a day can turn into a positive mood and reduce stress. A healthy diet also affects the mind and body. And try to manage your stress.

Enjoy work

Try to enjoy your work. No matter your job, look for aspects of your fun.

Find a friend who positively

Find your friends who look at life positively. Such people are those who are optimistic and always support you by giving good advice.

Conversely, if you are surrounded by pessimistic people, will increase your stress and even make you hesitate to manage stress in a healthy way.

Face and accept

Face the situation that you can control; Try to accept the situation that you can not control.
Have a sense of humor

Try to smile and laugh, especially when facing a very difficult time. Find events that invite laughter in their daily activities. A good sense of humor helps a person to have thoughts, emotions, and more positive behavior.

Every day, record the three good things that you experience.
Simple rules
Do not say anything to yourself something that does not want to say to someone else.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Prevent Wrinkles Early With Tomatoes

Tomatoes are known for its lycopene content are believed to prevent wrinkles and dark spots on the skin from the sun

prevent wrinklesFrom a study in 80% of human skin wrinkles caused by sunlight. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that may reduce premature aging caused by sun exposure.

Pasta lycopene-rich tomato, can dramatically reduce skin damage caused by sunlight. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and powerful weapons in preventing skin damage caused by free radicals.

Add some cooked tomato dishes into your menu such as spaghetti, pizza, tomato soup or the other. If possible choose a cooked tomatoes than raw. Though raw tomatoes contain more lycopene, but when cooked the contents will increase to 4 times.

There is also a good idea you drink 1 glass of tomato juice every day instead of orange juice. Because the tomato juice, then you will get the lycopene and vitamin C.


Nutrition For Hair Fertility

Hair is the crown of women

Unfortunately, many women have worn the crown and not maintained. You may have tried various shampoos and conditioners, but the result is not satisfactory. It's time you tried an effort from inside the hair healthy through food.

healthy hairFoods rich in nutrients when entering the body are affected and to produce a healthy body and healthy hair.

Iron is required to carry sufficient oxygen to your hair. Without enough iron, hair and hair bags had lack of oxygen. Foods rich in iron are red meat, dark leafy vegetables or legumes plants.

Zinc is very important to prevent hair loss and hair building proteins found in foods such as meat and seafood that contain very high levels of zinc.

Copper is also needed in the pigmentation of hair so your hair will be a natural color. Copper-rich foods are shellfish, liver, fresh vegetables, nuts and meat.
Retin-A cream, a derivative of vitamin A, prescribed by a dermatologist for treatment of hair loss. Vitamin A is found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots and cantaloupe (like watermelon).

Protein functions to build blocks for healthier hair and can be found in meat and seafood.
Hair Nutrient Vitamin B and C both are very important for the circulation of blood in order to run smoothly so that the hair becomes stronger. Each strand of hair becomes limp, not broken and the hair color was not dull.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that is consumed recommended for its ability to rejuvenate and repair cells damaged. Consuming vitamin C and B to facilitate the blood circulation that is required for healthy hair growth. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, strawberries are rich in vitamin C and as good as dark leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is known ability to produce healthy skin and tissue repair. Vitamin E is also intended to produce tissue that is conducive to hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, and liver.

Iodine is an essential nutrients to optimize thyroid activity. Insufficiency of iodine in your body can affect the thyroid activity, damaging your hair growth.

Essential fatty acids like Omega 3 can be found in salmon and tuna are also good for hair. Do not forget that water contributes a quarter of the weight of a hair. Should make sure that your hair getting enough fluid intake.

Treatment of the outer and inner beauty is very important for your hair. Good try.


Practical Tips Caring for Foot Heel

DO NOT just focus on skin care alone.

Stepping stones for the entire body, feet need attention too. Part of the foot is rarely noticed that the heel. Whereas the heel has the thickest skin compared with other parts.

foot healThe cause of this section is often thickened and rough from constant pressure and friction with the shoe leather. Other causes are often wearing high heels, and too frequent contact with soap water. untreated ankle often cause cracks or rough.

In order to overcome various problems of the heel, there are some practical steps that can be done. One of them with a pedicure at the salon. But the erosion process repeatedly done too often will make the foot calluses grow back. Therefore, should you choose to take care of the calluses with applying lotion moisturizer that has a high content.

Besides of that, you can do regularly rubbed with ankle foot eraser tool.
Before performing these steps, soak feet in warm water for easier foot rub. One thing to remember, this section plays an important role to protect the feet, so do not ever try to remove calluses with a razor blade or scissors. Because it will make your feet easily infected.

Another way is with the traditional treatment. To soften the calluses on the feet, soak feet for 30 minutes in a mixture of 2 tablespoons pineapple juice, 2 beaten egg yolks, and 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar. Then drain. Leather ankle that tends to harden or thicken, can also be mashed with avocado inside the skin, then rinsed with water


Tips Avoiding Foot Odor

This Health problem is not only interfere with the person concerned, but also can interfere with the people around it. All the people would not want to have this one problem, but also interfere with the smell of the feet can decrease a person's self confidence

avoiding foot odor* If you want to buy shoes, buy good quality shoes. Look inside shoes made of natural material, because it will make your feet can breathe freely and more quickly absorb perspiration. Material synthesis will make your feet out unpleasant smell due to lack of air entry.

* Do not ever feel lucky to buy shoes cheap but low quality. It's better to buy shoes a little more expensive but good quality.

* In addition to watching the selection of shoes, must ensure the feet are always in clean condition. When bathing, wash your feet with a foot brush or other small brush. This is useful to lift dead skin cells which is one cause of odor in kaki.Sebagai alternative, you can soak the feet in cold water. After that, soak with warm water. Skin pores on the feet to be clean and will make a stink at the foot decreased.

* Another way to overcome the smell of feet is to change socks every day. Choose socks made of cotton or wool, avoid using synthetic materials.

* It is recommended not to use the same shoes in a long time. Try alternate shoes, so shoes do not get air and moisture.

* Never let the shoes in the wet conditions. Immediately dry the wet when the shoe. If left more than a day, will cause unpleasant smells. Your feet were so come bau.Jika you've followed the tricks above, foot odor can be lost. Confidence you get anything back.


Secrets using lipstick

Beautiful lips were split into desire, but the color is matched with us? sometimes we admire the color of lipstick on the models attached to a label cosmetics ads, but not necessarily the same color will look like on our lips.

secret use lipstick1. When applying foundation to the face, apply also to the lips to get a strong base for lip liner and lipstick

2. valve mouth when using a lip liner so you will get a perfect line. Use a sharp pencil, a dull pencil will complicate the process of assimilation. Starting from the V on the upper lip and pull it outward to the corner of his lips (prop your hand on his chin to get a good control when handling lip liner).

3. To make lips look bigger outer boundaries follow the natural lip line, but not to exceed the line. Meanwhile, to make lips look smaller, follow the boundaries of the natural lip line.

4. Do not ever wear a dark lip liner with a light-colored lipstick. Make sure they match the color.

5. When choosing lip colors there are some factors to consider, such as hair and eye color and skin complection. In general, pastel colors and cool colors is the best choice for you who have light skin kompleksi to the medium. for complection darker skin will look good with warm colors such as bronze and cinnamon.

6. When wearing lip color, sprawl lip starting from the center of the lips. Use a lip brush to give the maximum results

7. To make lips look more full and sensual, especially if you have thin lips, use the colors of a soft natural palette. Pale colors will make the lips look pouty


5 things simple diets

When fad diets just don’t work and you’re ready to give up, these little things could add up to mean big improvements for your health and weight

Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast will help suppress cravings later in, diet tips, the evening. Studies have shown that individuals who eat a healthy cereal every morning are less likely to be,, than people who don’t eat breakfast. Eating breakfast also generally means that you’ll consume more fiber and calcium, as well as less fat.

Drink more Water
Not only can drinking water help to reduce bloating, but replacing higher-calorie drinks like pop and juice with water actually reduces your diet by hundreds of calories. Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger, causing you to overeat. Drink water consistently throughout the day to avoid this. It will also help, diet tips, you feel happier and better balanced, which will help keep you in the right frame of mind to meet your, diet tips, weight loss goals.Some other beverage ideas:Green tea is a calming, cleansing antioxidant that can actually invigorate your metabolism.

But more important,"how to drink"?
Drink 1 or 2 glasses one hour before have eating is the best time to reduce your appetite

Chewing well
yes, this is so simple.Chewing food at least 30 times so your stomach can digest properly

Do not sleep after eating

Usually after filling ammunition stomach, we become sleepy and want to sleep. If this happens to you, you should not follow your passion willingness to go straight to bed after eating.If you force it, As a result, experience bloating and bowel inflammation occurs.

Regular exercise
Make it as an activity that can not be compromised. It should not complicated, simply by walking at least 30 minutes a day Read More...

Easy plans to lose weight

The Slim Fast isn't because of a lethal problem.

You can try below simple things but powerfull.

slim fast1. Create your vision and reason “why” statement. The vision statement is a statement that states with all clarity exactly what you want out of your weight loss plan.

Your reason why statement is the exact underlying reason as to why you want to lose weight. Both of these should be handwritten and in a place where you can read it aloud 3 times a day. You should also create your intermediate, short term, and daily goals.

2. Pick the days and times that you want to workout. You will need to set aside at least 45 minutes for working out which includes travel to the gym or local high school track. Your workouts should be intense and they should develop lean muscle while burning a lot of calories at the same time.

You should have at least two different workouts that you do every week and you should workout at least 3 times per week.

3. You should start preparing all of your meals at home and should eat organic food as much as possible. You should also do a colon cleanse or 3 day juice fast to clean out your colon. You should eat 4 or 5 times per day. If you eat 4 times per day, then it should be four solid meals. If you eat 5 times per day, then it should be 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

Lean protein is the main focus of every meal. You should have at least one day where you “cheat”. Don’t get crazy on the calories, but have a good time. Don’t eat less than 1,200 calories if you’re a woman and 1,800 for men.

Try to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass everyday. Don’t forget about water. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, everyday.

4. Track and measure your progress daily and have progress report day on Sunday. Every Sunday you should measure your weight, check your body fat, and measure every part of your body that you want to see change in. This should all be written down in a journal so you know exactly where you are and how far you’ve come. This will also help you to understand what has worked for you.

5. Find an accountability partner. This is some one that you can share your weekly goals with. They don’t have to provide any weight loss info, just an ear and someone to listen and to hold you accountable for your goals. It should be someone that you respect their opinion and that respects you and that it matters to you how they feel.

It can be a training partner if you want. Don’t forget to reward yourself for your success. It could be anything that you like. Just something small that says hey I did it. This should be a weekly reward too.

Well that’s enough. If you do what I have outlined you will be uber successful in your weight loss plan. You will reach your goals. You will be the sexy hot, amazing and confident person that you should be.


Aloe Vera Juice Benefit

Ancient records of Egyptians, Arabs, Africans and Indians show how aloe vera plant was used.

juice aloeveraThe aloe vera plant has been hailed as a medicinal plant with many a beneficial property,with a high water content of nearly 96%.

Aloe Vera juice is made from the nutritious inner gel. Aloe Vera juice has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel. Aloe Vera juice is known to benefit those suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

The residues that accumulate within the colon are loosened and naturally dispersed with regular consumption of aloe vera juice. Any internal lesions or ulcers will also be healed. High doses of Aloe vera juice can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and electrolyte imbalance. Aloe vera juice is said to possess soothing properties that help in colitis, peptic ulcers and digestive tract irritations. Aloe vera juice contains some anti-inflammatory fatty acids that alkalize digestive juices and prevent over acidity. Acemannan, found in Aloe vera is being studied for its beneficial effects in boosting T-lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Food healing

Herbs have been used my many cultures for thousands of years

herbal benefitPlants generate all kinds of chemicals, naturally, and people have been taking advantage of this with varying degrees of effectiveness.

So what about foods that heal? It's not actually the foods themselves that heal. What they do is provide you with nutritional support which allows your body's natural regenerative powers to do the job. Vitamins and minerals provide necessary components to build all the compounds that the body needs, as well as clean up things like excess free radicals. Obviously if you fill up on the tasty fat filled fried foods at the local burger joint you're missing out on some of these nutrients.

Foods have one major benefit that herbs and (even less so) pharmaceuticals don't... our bodies evolved, over millions of years, to process these foods, whether animal or vegetable, and make the best use of what they have to offer.

Red, yellow, and green veggies provide a variety of anti-oxidants which protect against a number of degenerative diseases by destroying free radical molecules in the body. This can help with environmental (pollution) damage and there's a growing body of evidence that they help with cardiovascular problems as well. (But, not if you eat them just once.)

Apples have a great assortment of nutrients, especially if you eat the skin. They help with constipation and diarrhea, improve lung capacity, and help to cushion the joints.

Seaweeds provide a rich variety of nutrients and help to support the hormonal, lymphatic, urinary, and other bodily systems. They've actually been called the Ultimate Vegetable.

Spices contain a number of phytochemical and phytonutrients. These chemicals, and others, work as anti-oxidants and micro-nutrients. Tumeric, for example, contains curcumin, which some research has show to have some effect on colon cancers. Spices such as ginger, nutmeg, cumin, and coriander, help block the effects of aflatoxin, a mold that is believed to cause liver cancer, among other ill effects.


Eating in emotion

Many people turn to food for comfort – consciously or unconsciously – when they are facing a difficult problem or looking to keep themselves occupied.

eat greedyMajor life events – such as unemployment, health problems and divorce – and daily life hassles – such as a stressful work commute, bad weather and changes in your normal routine – can trigger emotions that lead to overeating.

Some foods may have seemingly addictive qualities. For example, when you eat enticing foods, such as chocolate, your body releases trace amount of mood – and satisfaction – elevating hormones. That “reward” may reinforce for specific feelings. Related to this is the simple fact that the pleasure of eating offsets negative emotions. Food can also be a distraction. If you are worried about an upcoming event or rethinking an earlier conflict, eating comfort foods may distract you. But the distraction is only temporary. While you are eating, your thoughts focus on the pleasant taste of your comfort food. Unfortunately, when you done overeating, your attention returns to your worries, and you may now bear the additional burden of guilt about overeating.


7 Ways to energize you

I hope this article can give you inspiration to live more energetic

1. Get a glass of fresh orange juice in the middle of your hot day. THis will relief pressure to your body

2. Eat 5 times a day in a small portion to maintain your glucose.

3. Think about sex, this usually very powerful ways to burn your spirit.

4. Allow yourself to sleep 15 minutes after lunch. This will improve your consentration and maintain your spirit to work. Our brain maximize everything before and after sleep into our memory.But remember, do not sleep continuity, only to charge your energy

5. Brush your teeth and drink a glass of cold water. The cold will wake your body system to be more alert.

6. Save a bottle of cold water with a special sprayer on it. When you feel tired, spray it to your face to eliminate the dry feeling.

7. Enjoy masking and messaging your face and neck.


Easy steps avoiding cancer and heart desease

cancer and heart disease is a malignant disease and come without compromised.

But, if we can prevent it before it comes, of course it would be better right?.

1). Avoid all Talc products including talcum powder(baby powder.) Talc is very similar to asbestos, and has been linked in some studies to ovarian cancer. Talc free baby powder made from cornstarch is available so there's no need to risk it.

2). Completely avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal)!!

3). Eat fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines) several times a week or buy some flaxseed oil capsules and take them daily. Fish and flaxseed oil are the best 2 sources of ESSENTIAL omega 3 fatty acids. Without Omega 3's, your body malfunctions causing all sorts of problems including high cholesterol & cancer. You can also buy flaxseeds and sprinkle them on your salad. Avoid swordfish and shark though, especially if you are pregnant! Unfortunately they are highly contaminated with mercury and other toxins

4). Use ginger for nausea, stomach aches, motion sickness etc. Ginger is also an excellent anti-inflammatory.

5). Use fresh garlic in recipes as much as possible

6). Try and limit your intake of hydrogenated oils. Health food stores carry products such as corn chips, potato chips, popcorn, peanut butter, etc. that taste just as good as the popular brand name products but are free of hydrogenated oils which are only used to increase shelf life & improve consistency

7). Try not to sleep next to anything that generates electromagnetic fields, including an electric blanket or an alarm clock. They may disrupt your body's natural control systems and sleeping patterns, weakening your immune system and keeping you from getting deep, restfull sleep. It may be a little inconvenient but I'd move that alarm clock away from your head. Besides, I've found that I sleep much better having no idea what time it is when I wake up during the night. If you have to get up at 6 AM and you wake up at 5 AM you may feel "pressure" to fall back asleep as quickly as possible cause you only have an hour of sleep left.

8). Exercise & drink plenty of water(you knew those were coming). So many people are chronically dehydrated, which can exacerbate many conditions. Get yourself a nice portable CD player and try to go on 30-45 minute walks. Take the stairs instead of escalators. There are so many benefits to exercise besides weight loss.


Care of Normal Skin

Normal skin is generally free from various kinds of skin health problems , so do not require special treatment. Normal skin is always appropriate to use moisturizers or creams of any type.

However, that does not mean normal skin does not need treatment at all. Normal skin as well as other skin types still requires treatment. This is useful for cleaning your skin from all kinds of harmful dirt.

Using Milk

Procedure: Take some raw milk in a bowl and heat it just enough to make it tepid. Dip cotton swab in this tepid milk and rub on face, hands, neck for about 10 min. Wait for 20 min after application. Thereafter wash with lukewarm water. Above procedure is to deep clean your skin.

Benefits: Milk is a good Cleanser for skin. While rubbing using cotton swabs, you will notice how dirty swab gets. Guess what! this is what was on your skin. So obviously your skin will now be much cleaner this naturally way. Avoid using soap, use above method for your face.

Using Kaolin Clay (called Multani Mitti in India)

Procedure: Take about 3.5 ounces of Kaolin Clay and soak it in water. Leave for 2 hours. When you look at it after 2 hours, you will see that it would have soaked water. Now mix it with your hands so it will be a thick paste. Mix it nicely so all lumps dissolve. In winter, apply this paste on your face and if possible sit in a sunny area for 30 min, thereafter wash with lukewarm water. In summer, apply this mask and sit in shade for 30 min, thereafter washing with cold water.
Application of this mask is recommended about once a week.

Benefits: Kaolin clay deep cleans the skin and makes it soft. This also helps in making face complexion fairer. Please be careful not to let any part of this preparation touch your eyes. Make sure the Kaolin clay you get has a pale color. If it looks brownish in color, that is not the right one.


Hair Treatment is not complicated

Hair treatment should be easy

Yet we never hear people talking about 'a good hair day'? It's always 'a bad hair day', isn't it?

hair care,hair treatmentThe desire for beautiful hair is not new. Ancient Egyptians shaved their heads and wore elaborate, heavy, braided wigs to achieve perfection. And today we go for a hair transplant, hair straighteners, hair replacement, hair restoration ... when good hair treatment can often boil down to simple common sense.

Hair Treatment 1:
Washing And Conditioning

Hair is not a living part of your body. However, your hair still needs proper treatment for optimum health and beauty. One of the key elements to having shiny, healthy hair is to allow the natural oils in the scalp to lubricate it. The hair closest to the scalp benefits from natural sebum oils the most, while longer hair can become dry and brittle from a lack of these oils.

Shampoo, no matter what exotic ingredients it's made from, performs a simple job of removing excess oils, pollution and styling product build up. All of your hair needs gentle cleansing but it is the top two or three inches that is most weighed down with natural oils and dulling hair products. Concentrate on washing that area and you will reduce the amount of oils removed from longer areas of hair so they don't become over-dried.

Conditioning on the other hand should be used sparingly, if at all, on the top inches of the hair. Concentrate on the ends. Conditioning is an important step to replace needed oils and provide protection from styling agents such as blow dryers and irons.

Hair Treatment 2:

Your hair will look its best when you choose a style that requires the least amount of heat and products. Protecting your hair with conditioners is key, but choosing a style that suits the texture of your hair will eliminate the need for more torturous styling tools.

Frizzy and dry hair can benefit from the application of silicone based products. Bear in mind that a little goes a long way. Concentrate the product on the ends of your hair.

When blow drying, keep the blow dryer at least six inches from your hair to prevent excessive damage from the heat. Blow drying in the direction of the shaft (down the length of hair) will create a smoother appearance.

Hair Treatment 3:
Coloring and Perming

Make sure your hair is in a healthy condition before applying any chemical treatment. Overuse of these hair treatments can damage hair beyond repair - and then the products are likely to produce unpredictable results.

You might also get some valuable hints from my free How To Avoid The Hair Styles From Hell report.

Hair Treatment 4:
Cutting Your Hair

Your hair will look shinier and feel thicker when you remove dried and split ends. Trimming your hair every 6 to 8 weeks will keep it looking at its best.

So hair treatment really is straight-forward. By taking such simple steps to maintain healthy hair rather than resorting to extreme restoration and replacement regimes will put you on track to more 'good hair days' than you ever thought possible!


Treatment and Preventive Care of the Eyes

Human eyes are the most conspicuous.

Without these there would be no difference between day and night; there would be darkness everywhere. It would be difficult even to move around and do the routine things without eyesight. Reading and writing become difficult if the eyesight is weakened. Thus, clear eyesight is essential for a happy and progressive life in general. Negligence of necessary hygiene of the eyes, over-straining, infection, injuries and lack of care after minor problems are the common causes of diseases of eyes, many of which result in eventual loss of eyesight.

Like several other health hazards, stress and tensions are found to perturb the normal functioning of the optical activities of the nervous system thus hampering the healthy vision. Anger, mental irritation, tension, frequent over-working on computers at continuous stretches of time, watching television programmes for long hours, reading despite fatigue in eyes or without proper light, etc are among the common causes of straining the optical nerves because of which myopia (narrow sightedness), or long sightedness and other kinds of weakening of eyesight occur.

Dark circles, Puffy eyes and Crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.

If your eyes are puffy with dark shadows, it shows you are not getting enough sleep. One can get dark circles and puffy eyes if you had a late night out or didn't have a night's sleep or cried your heart out. But, you can make them fade fast.

Preventive methods :

For dark circles :

Gently wash the face, then apply a skin tightening moisturizer around the eyes.

Grind a raw potato and add almond paste to it. Use the mixture regularly on the under-eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness.

Increase your daily intake of water to minimum 8 to 10 glasses.

Apply fresh fig on the eyes.

Place two cucumber slices over the eyes and rest for 15 minutes or apply cucumber juice under eyes.

Getting enough sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, can fade out dark circles

For puffy eyes :

The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. When the spoons become warm, switch them with the others chilling in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

Settle down for two to five minutes with a chilled, steeped chamomile or green tea bag over each eye. The natural properties of these herbal teas helps to bring puffy eyes back down to size.
Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and puffiness of eyes. Slice a large cucumber, reserve two slices to place over eyes. Peel and puree the remaining cucumber. This can be applied as a pack onto your face. Remove after fifteen minutes. Apply moisturiser thickly to seal in water.

Crow's-feet are those wrinkles or tiny lines at the corner of the eyes. Once it appears, it is difficult to make it fade. It can only be faded with the aid of injections or cosmetic surgery. It is better to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more to avoid the ultra violet rays of the sun which cause wrinkles on the skin.

Always wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun.

Sleeping on your back helps smooth out the wrinkles because gravity works to pull the skin backward. If you cannot sleep on your back, at least try to switch sides frequently.

The skin below your eyes is thin and has few oil producing glands. So don't pull, tag or drag it as you apply and remove make up. Any time you apply cream or lotion, dab, don't rub.
Regular use of Retin-A cream, an acne product that exfoliates the skin, also improves the
appearance of fine crow's-feet

another common tips for eye care:

Immediate use of cold water or bathing with it after returning from hot sun or warm environment, excessive sleep in daytime, lack of sleep in night, constant attempt of seeing a distant object or similar straining of eyes to see something blurred or invisibly tiny, frequent crying, worrying, having tension, anger, and uncontrolled sex harm the health of the eyes. Apart from these, constant use of horse beans, acidic and acerbic substances like vinegar, etc, restraining the natural pressure of urination, stools or vomiting, forced control over tears, excessive perspiration, excessive vomiting, smoking, etc increase the doshas of vata and give rise to severe problems of eyesight and eye-sickness.


MSG allergy

Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate and MSG, is a sodium salt of the naturally occurring non-essential amino acid glutamic acid.

It is used as a food additive and is commonly marketed as a flavour enhancer. It is typically, Asian cooking, which uses considerable quantities of this ingredient. There have been reports of physical reactions suggesting MSG allergy. The usual signs of this reaction are numbness in the back of the neck, the arms and shoulders; this may be accompanied by heart palpitations and a feeling of weakness and drowsiness, chest pains, headaches and dizziness.

Can MSG make me fat?

"One of the MSG symptom missing from this list above is obesity. Studies on animals showed that glutamate (MSG) constricts blood vessels because it acts as a calcium channel OPENER, and it also increased appetite in healthy animals by 40% by acting on the hypothalamus.

Consequently, if you think you are immune from the effects of MSG because you don't have one of the symptoms listed above, note that free glutamic acid acts on the pancreas to secrete insulin and acts to stimulate hunger by targeting the amygdala and hypothalamus and creates valium-like GABA in otherwise HEALTHY folks." So to put it in simpler terms......

"You have a pancreas. When you eat sugar, your pancreas produces insulin to counteract the sugar. The insulin tells the cells in your body to absorb the excess sugar. The problem is, is that MSG causes an insulin response. And MSG isn't a sugar. So guess what happens. The (MSG induced) insulin produced by your pancreas tells the cells in your body to absorb sugar.

Within an hour or two. You are low in sugar. Your body says "I need to eat"

So you eat.

But the food you eat has more MSG in it. So you produce more insulin than you need again. So you eat again, and again"

Hmmmm....sounds a bit suspicious!

Is MSG bad for me?

Only you can make this decision but with the increase in neurological disorders, cancer and various other diseases, something has to have changed in our society. And, truth be known, the one common factor is the increase of chemicals in our food and personal products. Studies by the hundreds are showing that MSG is linked to a plethora of symptoms and life altering diseases. It is time that we take some responsibility in what we consume and focus our efforts on putting healthy foods into our bodies.


Easy Preventing of dog's allergy

There are lots of things you can do so that someone with an allergy to dogs can live in the same house with a dog. Here are just a few ideas.

1) Designate "No-Dog" Zones

Pick a few rooms of your house or apartment where your dog is no longer allowed to go. The best and first choice should be the allergic person's bedroom. Do whatever you have to do -- put up a baby gate, keep the door closed, whatever- to keep the dog out of the room at all times, even when the allergic person is not there. Giving your allergic guest (or partner) a dog-free room will help a lot with keeping their symptoms down. If possible, do keep the door closed and if you have central heat, or vents between rooms, block off the vents to the dog-free areas. Also designate "dog-free" seating so your allergic guest does not have to recline back into dog hair.

2) Get some air ionizers or HEPA air filters

These high-tech filters can pull pet dander out of the air and will reduce the overall amount of air-borne particles in the house. With fewer irritants, the less your allergic guest's nose will have to get inflamed about.

3) Get a HEPA vacuum cleaner - and vacuum a lot

There are vacuums made specifically for people with allergies. Get one. Use it at least twice a week. Change the filter as often as necessary. It will make a big difference.

4) Get rid of carpets and upholstery

This is an expensive request, but if you just can not live without your dog or your allergic partner, seriously consider having all carpets removed and replaced with tile. Carpets are sinks for pet dander, as is cloth upholstery. Switching to leather furniture will significantly reduce the pet dander in the house.

5) Wash both the person and the dog regularly

The person should wash their face and/or hands every time they touch the dog (a hassle, yes, but it is very effective). The dog should get a bath at least once a week. This can make all the difference, and if you're having someone over who is allergic to dogs, just washing the dog and doing a good vacuuming job before they arrive may be enough to minimize the reaction. If not, one Benadryl will reduce or block the allergy symptoms, though you may have a sleepy guest.

6) Try products specifically made to reduce dog allergens

You can get wet-wipes called Allerpet D for Dogs that will significantly reduce the allergens given off. The results are temporary, but they will work for an overnight guest. There are also sprays you can buy that purportedly deactivate pet allergens.

7) Reduce clutter

If you have fewer things in your house, there are fewer places for dog allergens to accumulate.

8) Air out the house

By Pamella Neely


Food Allergy

An allergic reaction is caused when the body perceives a substance to be a threat to the it.

The exact reason why the substance is perceived as a threat is not known. The most common substances known to cause allergic reactions are milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, tree nuts, fish and shellfish (including shrimps). Allergic Reaction to milk, eggs, wheat and soy may occur early in life but may also disappear with age. Tree nuts and peanuts may also cause reactions at an early age but are rarely outgrown. Sensitivity to fish and shellfish happens during the adult years and are never overcome.

Food allergy occurs when the body detects substances it believes harmful to the body, it creates Ige antibodies which induces the allergy cells of the body, mast cells, to release histamine into the circulatory system. The defense mechanism of histamine involves enhancing the permeability of capillaries so that white blood cells can work to neutralize the threatening substance. Allergic symptoms then manifest themselves in the organs affected by the presence of histamine. Red and swollen eyes, sneezing, throat congestion, difficulty of breathing, itchy skin rashes and gastrointestinal malfunction are all signs of an allergic reaction.

Not all the signs may accompany a food allergy reaction. More frequently, only the skin manifests itching and redness. The kind and degree of reaction to a specific allergen differs from one person to another depending on how much of the allergen was ingested and on the strength of the immune system of the body.

There are severe food allergy reactions which intensely affect one or two body organs. Such reactions may induce pronounced difficulty in breathing, a lowered blood pressure, weakness, fainting and even death.

But not because a person is manifesting one or more of the symptoms of allergy, it will be safe to conclude that he has an allergy. Some diseases may mimic the signs of allergy. The best option will be to consult a physician so he can conduct tests to determine if the cause of aberrant manifestations is an allergy or another type of disease. If the doctor suspects an allergy, he refers his patient to an allergist.

The only way to prevent food allergy is to avoid taking in allergenic food. Discretion becomes difficult with food that is eaten in public restaurants because the patient is not sure whether the dish he is eating contains allergens or not. In general, patients with allergies should not eat fancy dishes in food centers. If he needs to go to a restaurant, he should order foods that don't have the substances he is sensitive to. In the event of doubt, the chef should be consulted. When purchasing grocery edibles, the patient should read the labels on the cans or boxes to check if any allergens have been used in preparing the product.

The lifestyle of a person with food allergy can be very restricted and lonely. He may be shy to accept invitations to parties for fear of accidentally ingesting allergenic substances there. Such a person should inform his friends of his handicap so that they can help him look out for himself.

By Jeffrey Frasco


Natural Acne Treatment Tips

Don't give up prevention is better than the cure.

Preventing acne takes more work but is without doubt better than cure, and when protecting the skin, there are numerous natural acne treatments to which should be considered including exercising, taking care of which makeup is used, looking after personal hygiene, shaving and exfoliation to remove dry skin and not being overly stressed out.

A very simple as well as obvious natural acne treatment looking after your personal hygiene. You should take great care to wash daily with a natural soap.

Avoid, as far as possible, consuming foods like red meat, cakes, pastries, cookies, pizzas, colas, etc., that are invariably rich in saturated/hydrogenated fats and/or in sugar. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Take daily a multivitamin supplement that contains minerals like zinc, chromium and selenium. If you follow this Natural acne treatment, it will hasten the process of an acne cure with natural acne remedies.

Acne is caused by the wrong eating habits, improper skin care and hormonal changes. Natural acne treatments tips given below are based on natural ingredients and herbs. These tips work like magic on acne affected skin and help in vanishing the pimples and acne almost overnight.

Mix ground nutmeg with raw milk. Apply the mixture on the affected areas. This works amazing. Pimples and acne disappear without leaving any acne scars.
Mix 3 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon, apply the mixture on acne affected area before sleeping. Wash the face with lukewarm water next morning. The repetition of process for two weeks helps the acne to disappear forever.
Make a paste of 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon and an equal amount of lemon juice. Apply on the acne affected area.
Make a paste of orange peel by grinding the peel and then adding some water. Apply the paste on and around the pimples.
Rub a clove of fresh garlic on the pimples. The regular application will help to make the acne disappear forever.
Mix groundnut oil and fresh juice of lemon. Apply regularly on face to avoid the formation of blackheads and pimples.
Apply fresh juice of mint leaves at night for treating eczema, insect stings, scabies and other skin disorders.
Make a paste of fenugreek leaves and apply on the face for 15 minutes daily to prevent the formation of blackheads and wrinkles.
To lessen the swelling of pimples, apply the juice of papaya.
Mix rose water and lemon juice and apply on acne affected area. Wash the face with lukewarm water after around 20 minutes.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Causes Of unexpected Hair Loss

Unexpected hair loss is just a subject that people observe a clump of hair or more hair than generally view in their comb and brush. People should seek clinical awareness to decide the cause. Once the cause of such unexpected hair loss is discovered an person and his or her medical doctor can decide in the treatment that will most excellent suit their needs.

Women who are pregnant or go through childbirth period will experience hormonal changes. These types of chemical alters in hormone levels could trigger hair loss.

If birth control is being used hair structure may thin out also. Men whose bodies make testosterone hormone as well may experience hair loss. Men whose bodies have ceased making testosterone hormone do not have this baldness. Certain medications can as well cause unexpected hair loss. These types of medications include those used in chemotherapy and radiation treatment. When medical treatment is suspended the hair will grow back but it will take months for real outcome to be seen. Serious illnesses and tremendously high fevers may also cause unexpected hair loss. Along these lines thyroid problems could as well play a very important part in hair unexpected loss. When the serious illness is over or the thyroid problems treated hair may begin to develop back over time.

Physical and mental stress may add to unexpected hair loss too. Emotional stressors may trigger anxious or nervous habits like pulling out hair or pulling on it. Too much rubbing of the scalp can also cause hair loss. A chemical substance known as DHT - dihydrotestosterone is found in surplus in the scalp. Dihydrotestosterone tends to shrink usual hair follicles. As a outcome it cuts off the development procedure and therefore suddenly hair fall out.

There are treatments that block the growth of dihydrotestosterone and prevent hair loss. There are topical helpful treatments for unexpected hair loss like Rogaine (minoxidil). Oral effective medication includes Propecia (finasteride). Propecia has been extremely much effective in treating the top of the head and the mid-scalp areas but not enough information is existing yet regarding its effectiveness with receding hairlines or balding in the temple areas. It may frequently take up to 3 months earlier than any outcome are noted. There possibly visible sexual side effects which include a low sex drive, trouble getting an erection, or a decrease in the quantity of semen a man produces.

There are more serious other side effects like breast pain, lumps, swelling in the face and lips, and discharge from the nipples. When men stopped taking Propecia for this reason the problems went away. Women who are or may be going through the pase of pregnancy should not come in contact with crushed Propecia tablets as this can cause abnormalities in unborn male babies. Natural medicinal supplements are a blend of ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. These sort of ingredients together are recognized to help effective hair loss, s unexpected hair loss or otherwise. Some of these medicinal ingredients may be B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, and herbal extracts like pumpkin.


Useful things for your hair

Here are few tips that will help you to either not seeing a bad hair day or to come out if you are experiencing at present.

* Stick to a healthy life style. Give up your smoking habits, do exercise regularly, eat balanced diet and use relaxation techniques when stressed.

* Get a deep sleep in night, do not sleep with burdens otherwise you will have a disturbed sleep enough to trap into a bad hair day.

* If you are using hair styling products and cosmetics, try to avoid using products containing alcohol particularly in high concentration.

* Do not put hair styling products on your scalps, this will block the pores on your head and may harm your head and hair both.

* Swimming is a good exercise, do it. But before jumping into a swimming pool wet your hair enough with plain water. Pool water contains chlorine, which is not good to your hair.

* Set your hair dryer on cool settings, hot is not for your hair.

* Keep hair dryer moving, do not stick it to one place for long.

* Before using hair dryer, use a good quality towel to dry hair and then use hair dryer to get the rid of wetness.

* Use a comb that bristles are made of animal hairs, it would be soft on your hairs.

* Always use clean comb / brushes. Clean your comb / brushes with soap or shampoo on a regular basis.

* Always comb / brush your hair downwards.

* Shampooing your hair is important. Always use good quality products.

* Use trial and error method to select a shampoo for you and choose the one that is best suitable.


Simple tips for eye care

eye care,eye treatment
1. Give a break to your eyes every 20 minutes this will help improve your productivity too.

2. Correct positioning of your computer, keyboard and typing copy is essential. Your screen should be positioned about an arm’s length from your eyes and 20 degrees below eye level. Consider foot and wrist rests for added comfort.

3. Keep away from lamps that produce heat.
Lamp and monitors are different.
If its a TFT Monitor then its not harmful to eyes, and while watching TV always maintain a good distance dont watch it from too close and always watch TV in a well lit room

Lighting can make all the difference

Room lighting should be diffuse, not direct, to reduce glare and reflections from your screen. Look into an internal or external glare screen and be sure to set your colour, contrast and brightness levels to suit you.

4. Use an umbrella or sunglasses to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Anti-reflective coatings on the lenses of your glasses can be applied by your optometrist to reduce discomfort and to ease reduced vision from bright and/or flickering light sources such as VDTs and fluorescent lights. And don’t forget, your doctor of optometry can talk to you about eyeglasses designed specifically for people who use computers a lot.

5. Eat lots of spinach, leeks, blueberries (and fish) because all contain properties known to keep eyes healthy.

6. Sleep enough


Care of dry skin

Dry skin

not only feels unpleasant but also can cause itchiness.
Please do not use soap to wash your face. Instead, use one of the masks explained below to clean and wash your face. After cleaning the face with the mask, you can consider applying unscented Curel cream.

Using Wheat and Turmeric:

Procedure: Take about 10 teaspoons of wheat flour. Add 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 spoon almond oil and the rest milk to make it a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face. Leave it for about 10 min. When it starts to dry, remove the application by rubbing with your hands. Wait for about 20 min and then wash your face with lukewarm water. Treat your skin with this application once every 3-4 days for good results. Please do not use soap when washing face, else the benefits of the mask will be lost. To retain the benefits of this, while washing face instead of soap, use paste (1 teaspoon Gram flour + 2 teaspoons milk).

Benefits: Above application will prove to be extremely useful in cold weather when the skin gets dry. Regular use of this mask will get rid of the problem of dry skin and will instead make your skin smooth, silky and fair.

Using Milk and Milk Cream:

Procedure: Boil 1/2 cup milk and leave for 10 min. While you are waiting on this, follow below steps to clean your skin. Take some raw milk in a bowl and heat it just enough to make it tepid. Dip cotton swab in this tepid milk and rub on face, hands, neck for about 10 min. Wait for 20 min after application. Thereafter wash with lukewarm water. Above procedure is to deep clean your skin.
You will notice a thick solid layer deposited on the surface of the milk that you boiled and left. Use 1 spoon of this solid deposit. Rub on your face. Leave for 10 min. Then wash with lukewarm water. Please do not use soap when washing your face, else the benefits of this application will be lost.

Benefits: Milk is a good Cleanser for skin. While rubbing using cotton swabs, you will notice how dirty swab gets. Guess what! this is what was on your skin. So obviously your skin will now be much cleaner this natural way. If you follow this procedure daily for few days, you will notice your skin will not be dry anymore and start looking much healthier and younger . This will resolve the problem of dryness of the skin making it soft and silky .


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Care of Oily Skin

Using Cucumber & Lemon:

Procedure: Grate cucumber and squeeze out about 1 ounce of juice from the grated cucumber into a glass bowl. Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon rosewater to it. Stir nicely. Using cotton swabs apply gently on face and neck. Leave it for about 30 min. Wash with lukewarm water first and then with cold water.

Benefits: Above application will make skin smooth and give it a glow . Cucumber juice will work great on the skin. This is also good to rejuvenate skin damaged by exposure to sun rays.

Using Milk & Lemon:

Procedure: In a glass bowl, take about 10 teaspoons raw (not boiled) milk and squeeze juice of half medium sized lemon. You should see milk curdling. If not, add more lemon juice till you see milk curdling. Gently using your hands or cotton, rub the above preparation on your face and hands. After application, let it dry for about 15 min or till you start to feel stretch in your skin on drying. Then wash your face and hands with lukewarm water. This will make your skin soft and give it a glow. Using a cotton swab, you can apply this cleanser on your neck also before bath.

Benefits: This liquid mixture serves as Cleanser to Oily Skin. While lemon helps reduce the oiliness, milk gives the skin a glow and makes it soft. This is also good to rejuvenate skin damaged by exposure to sun rays.

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