Friday, December 4, 2009

Treatment and Preventive Care of the Eyes

Human eyes are the most conspicuous.

Without these there would be no difference between day and night; there would be darkness everywhere. It would be difficult even to move around and do the routine things without eyesight. Reading and writing become difficult if the eyesight is weakened. Thus, clear eyesight is essential for a happy and progressive life in general. Negligence of necessary hygiene of the eyes, over-straining, infection, injuries and lack of care after minor problems are the common causes of diseases of eyes, many of which result in eventual loss of eyesight.

Like several other health hazards, stress and tensions are found to perturb the normal functioning of the optical activities of the nervous system thus hampering the healthy vision. Anger, mental irritation, tension, frequent over-working on computers at continuous stretches of time, watching television programmes for long hours, reading despite fatigue in eyes or without proper light, etc are among the common causes of straining the optical nerves because of which myopia (narrow sightedness), or long sightedness and other kinds of weakening of eyesight occur.

Dark circles, Puffy eyes and Crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.

If your eyes are puffy with dark shadows, it shows you are not getting enough sleep. One can get dark circles and puffy eyes if you had a late night out or didn't have a night's sleep or cried your heart out. But, you can make them fade fast.

Preventive methods :

For dark circles :

Gently wash the face, then apply a skin tightening moisturizer around the eyes.

Grind a raw potato and add almond paste to it. Use the mixture regularly on the under-eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness.

Increase your daily intake of water to minimum 8 to 10 glasses.

Apply fresh fig on the eyes.

Place two cucumber slices over the eyes and rest for 15 minutes or apply cucumber juice under eyes.

Getting enough sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, can fade out dark circles

For puffy eyes :

The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. When the spoons become warm, switch them with the others chilling in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

Settle down for two to five minutes with a chilled, steeped chamomile or green tea bag over each eye. The natural properties of these herbal teas helps to bring puffy eyes back down to size.
Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and puffiness of eyes. Slice a large cucumber, reserve two slices to place over eyes. Peel and puree the remaining cucumber. This can be applied as a pack onto your face. Remove after fifteen minutes. Apply moisturiser thickly to seal in water.

Crow's-feet are those wrinkles or tiny lines at the corner of the eyes. Once it appears, it is difficult to make it fade. It can only be faded with the aid of injections or cosmetic surgery. It is better to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more to avoid the ultra violet rays of the sun which cause wrinkles on the skin.

Always wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun.

Sleeping on your back helps smooth out the wrinkles because gravity works to pull the skin backward. If you cannot sleep on your back, at least try to switch sides frequently.

The skin below your eyes is thin and has few oil producing glands. So don't pull, tag or drag it as you apply and remove make up. Any time you apply cream or lotion, dab, don't rub.
Regular use of Retin-A cream, an acne product that exfoliates the skin, also improves the
appearance of fine crow's-feet

another common tips for eye care:

Immediate use of cold water or bathing with it after returning from hot sun or warm environment, excessive sleep in daytime, lack of sleep in night, constant attempt of seeing a distant object or similar straining of eyes to see something blurred or invisibly tiny, frequent crying, worrying, having tension, anger, and uncontrolled sex harm the health of the eyes. Apart from these, constant use of horse beans, acidic and acerbic substances like vinegar, etc, restraining the natural pressure of urination, stools or vomiting, forced control over tears, excessive perspiration, excessive vomiting, smoking, etc increase the doshas of vata and give rise to severe problems of eyesight and eye-sickness.


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